By the end of this blog, you'll understand the important difference between postpartum depression and the baby blues. Many people confuse the two, but they are very different challenges for new parents. Keep reading to clear up common misunderstandings, learn about the possible causes, and discover treatment options for this real and serious condition that needs more attention and support.
Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues Explained
Postpartum depression is a topic that's often brushed aside. A lot of people confuse it with the "baby blues" – referring to the ups and downs you feel right after giving birth, which typically lasts 2-3 weeks, due to hormones. Unlike the baby blues, which tend to fade away after a couple of weeks, postpartum depression sticks around. And it's not just feeling a bit down or weepy – it's a deep, lingering sadness that can make even the simplest tasks feel impossible. And it's not just sadness, it's exhaustion too – fatigue that makes getting out of bed a Herculean task.
Postpartum depression doesn't always look like what you'd expect from depression. It's not just about feeling sad and low-energy. It can also show up as anxiety – a constant, gnawing worry that something terrible is going to happen. And sometimes, it's rage – these intense bursts of anger that come out of nowhere.
Is postpartum depression real?
The bottom line is, postpartum depression is serious and a VERY real condition. It's not something to brush off or ignore.
Misunderstandings About Postpartum Depression
Let's clear up some common misconceptions about postpartum depression (PPD).
You Don't Love Your Baby
One misconception is that women going through PPD don't love their babies. This misunderstanding can really hurt. It adds to the stigma surrounding PPD, which makes it tougher for women to open up about their struggles and get the support they need. But here's the truth: PPD has nothing to do with a lack of love for your child. It's a complex mental health issue that can affect anyone, no matter how much they adore their baby.
You Are Weak
Another misconception is that people with PPD are weak. This myth only makes the stigma worse and stops people from reaching out for help. But the reality is, PPD isn't a sign of weakness. It's a medical condition that deserves attention and treatment, just like any other health problem. By busting this myth, we can encourage people to seek the support they need without feeling ashamed or like they're not strong enough.
Why Postpartum Depression occurs?
Pinpointing the exact causes of postpartum depression (PPD) continues to elude us. One theory proposes that the swift hormonal shifts during the perinatal phase might play a part in triggering or intensifying PPD symptoms. However, it's important to recognize that hormonal changes represent just one aspect of the PPD puzzle. Although hormones may contribute, they don't solely determine the condition. PPD is shaped by a variety of factors, such as genetic predispositions, psychosocial stressors, and individual coping strategies.
Treatment for Postpartum Depression
Treating postpartum depression is about tailored solutions to each individual. There's a range of approaches to consider, either independently or in combination, such as psychotherapy, support groups, the assistance of friends and family, and medication.
Engaging with a therapist well-versed in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders can be a great start. Therapy aids in understanding and managing emotions while developing effective coping mechanisms to navigate postpartum depression.
There are plenty of good options for treating postpartum depression, understanding that discovering the right combination may require some exploration and time. It's important to remember that postpartum depression is treatable!
If you are interested in learning about therapy or would like to setup an appointment with Person to Person Psychotherapy, serving New Jersey & New York residents, call 908-224-0007 or email Amanda Frudakis-Ruckel, LCSW at info@person2persontherapy.com